Self-Care Rituale für jeden Tag: Yogamatte mit Journalingbuch und Kerze

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Self-care rituals for every day

Take a soothing full bath, go for a long walk, put the cell phone aside and finally finish reading your favorite book – everyone is talking about self-care ! But what exactly is behind it?

This guest post was written by Jeanette and Kathie from .

Self care rituals

Anyone who just rushes through life without paying attention to their own needs will eventually burn out. But in order to be able to perceive our needs at all, we first have to find the will to consciously interrupt our everyday life. Such breaks serve to simply take a deep breath and find out what the soul really needs to find its inner balance (again). Self-care can mean something different for everyone, and yet the rituals for self-care have one thing in common: They slow down our mostly hectic, digitized everyday life and show what is really important in life!

Why rituals are important

The term "ritual" comes from Latin and describes an action that takes place according to a given structure. Rituals have a high symbolic content and usually take place in a festive setting in human interaction. But a ritual can also be a very personal thing that you set for yourself with a specific intention. A ritual could serve to find inner peace, clarity or focus, to get closer to a certain goal, to manifest a new habit or to let go of an old pattern.

Tip: Creating meaningful rituals requires two things: curiosity and enthusiasm! So only choose rituals that speak to your heart and enrich your everyday life. Don't think of them as a waste of time or baggage, you should enjoy them and want to do them as often as possible.

Your morning rituals: Start the day with joy!

The way you get up in the morning determines the rest of your day. So if you get out of bed in a bad mood in the morning, you tend to look at the famous glass as “half empty” rather than “half full” all day long. The phrase "standing on the wrong foot" also reminds us to start our day with the greatest possible mindfulness and a positive inner attitude.

If you are an early bird and would like to start your yoga, meditation and self-care rituals as soon as the sun rises, then plan plenty of time for your morning rituals. If you're not a morning person, keep your rituals simple and manageable. Don't take on too much or you run the risk of losing motivation and dropping it altogether.

Your evening rituals: end the day with gratitude!

You probably already guessed it: It is not only important how you start your day, but also how you end it! If your body and mind are still running at full speed in the evening hours, you are particularly challenged to take as much time as possible for relaxing breaks. While you get in the mood for what is to come in the morning and determine your mindset for the day, your evening rituals are primarily used to calm down and review what you have experienced.

Cultivate a sense of gratitude and contentment, especially at the end of the day! Think of the great abundance in your life: your talents, your special features, friends and family, small moments of happiness and unforgettable experiences. That way you don't focus on what you're missing, but on what you already have!

Simple self-care rituals for everyday life

So that you can incorporate simple self-care exercises into your everyday life, we have created a small guide for you. While the exercises may not seem extraordinary, they can have a major impact on your well-being if you consciously take the time to do so. Feel free to print out the guide and select the activities that you would like to incorporate into your everyday life.

Ready to ME:treat?

You want even more inspiration? In our ME:treat basic guide you will find self-care rituals & worksheets for a conscious, happy & mindful life. The ME:treat guides are step-by-step instructions for your very personal mini-retreat, which you can experience anywhere and anytime.

Subscribe to our ME:treat letter now and our monthly inspirations will go straight to your mailbox! You can also look forward to special goodies and the ME:treat Friends discount, which you can redeem in the ME:treat online shop . 

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